博士论文 (2020)
研究方向:代数几何与组合数学之间的关系 Studying topological properties of orbifold Hilbert schemes via connections to core and quotient partitions and G-constellations
研究题目: Equivariant Hilbert schemes and partition combinatorics
博士导师: Dr Paul Johnson
硕士论文 (2016)
研究题目: Geometry of Syzygies (论文 )
硕士导师: Prof Diane Maclagan
核心内容: Gives an introduction to minimal free resolutions and uses Macaulay2 (computer algebra software) to compute examples of toric varieties to test the Eisenbud-Goto regularity conjecture
本科暑期研究项目 (2015)
URSS 为期8周的暑期项目研究奖学金
研究课题: 3D McKay Correspondence for finite subgroups of $\mathrm{SL}(3,\mathbb{C})$
研究导师: Prof Miles Reid (FRS)
研究成果: Produced a computer program to compute McKay quivers for finite subgroups of $\mathrm{SL}(3,\mathbb{C})$